Sony G77: my first buy with own earned money

I was introduced to PC world in year 1993 with a 486DLC, which costed me around RM4000. It was indeed a gift from my sister in end of my first year studies in USM.
Since then, I had indulged myself in the world of PC hardware, PC setup/troubleshooting, DIY upgrade, gaming etc. I had my first PC assembled and sold for a profit of RM1000 in 1996. With the success of the sale, I indeed had rewarded myself with a purchase of a mini HiFi and it is the Sony G77. It was priced at RM999 and I still remembered that I had it purchased in Jusco although I did not remember now the location of the store now. Since then I had been assembling and selling PC as part time hobby. From Pentium to Pentium 4 and 4Mb SDRAM to 1G DDR RAM. My records tell me that I had at least assembled and sold over 150 PCs and the last PC I sold was in year 2002.
Now after 6 years, I am still follow the PC hardware roadmap and DIY but have not been selling any more PC instead of resale of 2nd hand laptop.
Tonight, I had relocated the Sony G77 to my room and have it turned on. The radio is still working but not the CD. I had been storing this audio in store for more than 3 years after moved down from Penang to Ipoh in 2005. When I look at the G77, I realized that there had been 12 years passed and it is still working fine now (although its CD player is malfunctioned) I believed it will accompany me for another few years more before I have it donated to the charity body. Staring at the G77, it suddenly reminded me of my first PC... a PC that introduced me to the world of PC and a gift from my sister. The PC was sold at RM800 in 2000 and I hope it is still working fine now as I had it upgraded to Intel DX4-100MHz.
It had served me well for 4 years.